Lehman College lehmanwics@gmail.com


Do I have to be a woman to join?

While we do aim to support women and gender non-binary folks from all walks of life, our club is open to all members of the Lehman community, regardless of gender.

How can I keep updated?

Click here to sign up for our weekly newsletter and view our past newsletters.

Can I join the executive board right now?

Executive board and committee applications open at the end of the Spring semester with Special Elections (if necessary) in the Fall.

Do I have to join a national organization?

WiCS is currently a chapter under ACM. We encourage you to join ACM and other related chapters nationally like NSBE, SHPE, and SWE for further opportunities. We collaborate with NSBE & SHPE at Lehman on multiple events and encourage our members to attend their national and regional conferences.

I cannot attend WiCS meetings. How do I participate otherwise?

We release minutes for each of our meetings at the end of the week as well as in our weekly newsletter. Please click here to access our past meeting notes. If you have something to add after the meeting, please send us an email.

When are your meeting times?

Meeting times are announced weekly via our newsletter. Sign up here: http://bit.ly/lcwicswelcome. Meeting locations may vary so please connect with us on Slack and email for the most up-to-date information.

I have an idea I want to share. Who do I speak to?

Wonderful! We love having fresh ideas come our way. Please add your idea to our Trello board and we will reach out to you. The transparency allows us to show how we adopt new ideas into our chapter.

I have a question or concern. Who do I contact?

Please send an email to lehmanwics@gmail.com. We will reach out to you as soon as possible to follow up on your concern.